History - Close-up of calendar

Our history - More than 20 years of COSMO CONSULT

A retrospective look


The ‚Browser war‘ between Microsoft and Netscape about the dominance of their website viewing programs - so-called web browser - is in full swing. David Packard leaves the world, Steve Jobs returns to Apple. Yahoo goes public.

Horst Bergmann, Joachim Scheich, Carl Beckmann and Helmut Hoff recognize the potential of their industry and decide to found the COSMO CONSULT GmbH in Muenster (Westphalia), which is from now on acting as Navision Solution Center.


Microsoft buys Apple shares for $ 150 million and thus helps the financially stricken competitors to rebounding. While the German Telekom completely reorganizes its telephone network on digital technology, the students Larry Page and Sergey Brin register the Internet address "google.com". At the same time another important domain is listed: facebook.com – however, not by Mark Zuckerberg, because he is just 13 years old (but he purchased it eight years later - in 2005 - for $ 200,000).

Uwe Bergmann also pulls out his pen and signs the founding contracts of the COSMO CONSULT Berlin, a start-up company, which he founded with the involvement of COSMO CONSULT GmbH Muenster.


Microsoft leads the ‚Browser war‘ against Netscape and launches Windows 98 after three years of waiting. Apple presents the first iMac. Google starts with the first Beta testing and introduces its search engine „Google“ in September.

The COSMO CONSULT group can celebrate considerable successes too. Hence COSMO CONSULT is not only one of the three largest Navision partners in Germany after two years, but will also be honored as "Navision Solution Center of the Year" and manages to defend this title successfully until 2004. After this year, the title was not longer awarded.


While the Internet market has to contend with the bursting ‚Dotcom bubble‘, the CeBIT achieves an exhibitors record for the first time in its history. T-Online and Infineon go public. The online music sharing platform Napster evolves into the most rapidly growing community of the Internet. Bill Gates resigns as CEO of Microsoft and leaves his successor, Steve Ballmer, the company's management.

The signs indicate changes for the COSMO CONSULT group too as the COSMO CONSULT Dresden is establsihed as a subsidiary of COSMO CONSULT Berlin. Gerrit Schiller becomes Managing Director and Partner.


William Hewlett dies with 87 years in Palo Alto. Microsoft introduces Windows XP, Apple the Mac OS X and the first iPod. Napster is taken down and Wikipedia is founded.



The Euro is introduced and the ‚New Market‘ abolished. Digital evildoers with sonorous names like ‚Prestige Oil Tanker‘ and ‚Britney Spears‘ are up to mischief in the digital world. In addition numerous bankruptcies and suprising judgments about IT topics and product innovations pave the IT landscape.

While Vodafone starts with MMS, the CeBIT shrinks and the first Tablet PCs are presented, Microsoft is also in high gear and takes over the Danish software producer Navision A / S.


With Xing, LinkedIn and MySpace, the first social media platforms conquer the Internet. Tablet PCs are booming and Apple introduces Safari. With Athlon 64 the first 64-bit processor for the PC mass consumer market appears. Also, On-Demand-Computing as a predecessor of Cloud-Computing has its moment of glory in this year.

Bright prospects also for the COSMO CONSULT group, which is recognised as the world's best NAVISON partner with the "World Excellence Partner" award.


In the meantime „to google“ is added to the list of German words, the Sasser worm is on the loose and iTunes as well as Google go public.

Microsoft's American partner Tectura acquires the COSMO CONSULT AG in Muenster and a majority share of the COSMO CONSULT GmbH in Berlin as well as Dresden.


Facebook is founded. Ebay acquires Skype for 2.1 billion euros and is together with Amazon one of the big names standing for ‚New Economy'. Google Earth for Windows is launched.

All COSMO CONSULT companies are renamed Tectura.


Windows Vista is released and Intel presents their new 80 core processor. Netscape browsing is now a thing of the past. The iPhone takes over the German market.

Uwe Bergmann becomes Director of Tectura AG and Country Manager of Tectura in Germany.


Windows 7 is released without the Internet Explorer. Intel's Itanium fails. Ebay sells Skype for $ 1.9 billion.

Optimistic mood also within the Tectura. Uwe Bergmann leaves the Board of Directors and takes over the management in Berlin once again. With COSMO CONSULT (formerly Tectura GmbH) he acquires all the necessary product rights for the marketing, further development and support of all industry and add-on solutions of Tectura AG and Tectura Licensing. At the same time, COSMO CONSULT (formerly Tectura GmbH) and Tectura Licensing agree to a development partnership.


Windows Phone 7 takes over the market. Apple introduces the iPad. Wikileaks publishes secret documents of the Iraq war and more than 250000 documents of US diplomats. Thereupon, WikiLeads founder Assange is arrested in London.

COSMO CONSULT (formerly Tectura GmbH) is appointed to the Microsoft Dynamics President's Club.


Steve Jobs dies. Facebook counts 800 million users. Oracle acquires Sun and Microsoft shops Skype for 8.5 billion euros.

Also at COSMO CONSULT the signs point towards expansion. Not only the Tectura GmbHs Berlin and Dresden leave the Tectura group and convert to COSMO CONSULT, but also two other companies from Nuremberg (Dietrich Consult GmbH and Dietrich Consult SI GmbH) will as of now operate under the flag of COSMO CONSULT. Furthermore, the COSMO CONSULT Hamburg is founded. In addition, COSMO CONSULT agrees on a "Tectura Strategic Alliance Partner" contract with Tectura AG and can therefore access to the worldwide Tectura network for international projects.

COSMO CONSULT may proudly present its award as Microsoft Dynamics Partner of the Year and once again the appointment to the Microsoft Presidents Club and the Microsoft Inner Circle.


Smartphones and tablets are finally an absolute must-have. The social networks are continuing their triumphant success. With Windows 8, Microsoft manages the most spectacular software release of the year.

Spectacular is also the return of the COSMO CONSULT to Münster (Westf.) and its re-appointment to the Microsoft Dynamics Presidents Club, for the third year in a row.

However, there is no time to rest on one‘s laurels which is why shortly thereafter the COSMO CONSULT group opens a new office in Böblingen / Stuttgart. In the same year the COSMO CONSULT holding is transformed into the COSMO CONSULT AG.


Microsoft introduces the Xbox One and acquires the mobile phone company Nokia. In addition, the company introduces Hyper-V and thus counts to the serious competitors in the field of visualization. But also Cloud-Computing is growing rapidly, despite of the revelations of Edward Snowden, which alarmed both IT companies and customers. Smartphones and tablets are still booming.

COSMO CONSULT AG acquires the business intelligence specialist CBS Consulting Business Solutions GmbH from Wuerzburg and is called into the Microsoft Dynamics Presidents Club for the fourth time.


Steve Ballmer backs out of Microsofts top management and is replaced as CEO by Satya Nadella. Industry 4.0 is one of the big trends.

A lot of movement also within the COSMO CONSULT group. Apart from a new location, established by the COSMO CONSULT BI GmbH to further expand the area Business Intelligence for the public transport sector, COSMO CONSULT AG has accquires all shares of the Tectura AG in Germany, France, Switzerland and the Tectura AB in Sweden and thus the entire operative Tectura business in Europe. At the same time the acquisition of Tectura Licensing GmbH in Switzerland takes place, which owns all rights for the Microsoft Dynamics product and property rights used worldwide by the Tectura.

Almost needless to say COSMO CONSULT again receives Microsoft’s most prestigious partner awards: Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle and President’s Club.


Microsoft introduces Windows 10 and Office 2016. For the first time in history Apple gives up its role as a company of innovative and characteristic design and orientates their product design towards competitors. The result is severe criticism. China meanwhile became second strongest IT nation worldwide and agrees to be the partner country of this years CeBIT. Secret CeBIT popstar however is Edward Snowden – presumably the most famous whistleblower worldwide – with his live broadcast about the risks of the internet.

Resulting from the takeover of the prominent Microsoft ERP supplier knk Ingénierie France and the third largest Spanish Microsoft Dynamics partner Iniker S.A. the COSMO CONSULT group grows to 560 employees and operates in 28 locations worldwide. Another great achievement is the establishment of the Dynamics 365.com GmbH, known as COSMO 365 brand, which adds small enterprises and startups to the target group portfolio of COSMO CONSULT offering erp solutions in the cloud. However, the end of the road is still far. In the second half of 2015 the COSMO CONSULT AG adopts the TEC EPM and becomes the new SharePoint-Elite-Group (SPEG).

To top it all off, COSMO CONSULT becomes TOP CONSULTANT the fourth time in a row and is given the exclusive Microsoft Dynamics Industry Partner of the Year award.


Words like Big Data, Cloud Service, Internet of Things or artificial intelligence have become characterizing expressions in the IT world and are guidelines at the CeBIT 2016. Some experts even share the opinion that the Industry 4.0 is now finally part of our reality. Microsoft launches Microsoft Dynamics 365 – a new cloud-based software solution which unites the standard ERP and CRM tasks with modern BI features, Office 365 integration and optional applications for specific business and industry demands.

Also, COSMO CONSULT recognizes the significance of these keywords and starts to gear their service and solution concepts stronger towards the new reality. As it seems – successful. At least the innovation award for their Industry 4.0 solution scenario early this year allows some implications. For the fifth-time COSMO CONSULT is given the TOP Consultant quality seal. Again, COSMO CONSULT receives the prestigious awards: Microsoft Dynamics Inner Circle and President's Club. On top of that COSMO CONSULT can proudly announce to be Microsoft ERP-System Provider of the Year 2016.


The innovation labs of the IT sector are boiling at full blast. An overload of new inventions is dominating the digital market. Business Software is gaining prominence and companies are busy transforming towards the digital age.

Also within COSMO CONSULT things are transforming. Already in the first quarter of 2017 COSMO takes over the ACP Business Solution – which is with 36 locations one of the leading IT-Providers in Germany and Austria. Additionally, COSMO opens two new branch offices in Cologne and Leipzig. In the third quarter COSMO CONSULT takes over the MAX-CON DATA SCIENCE GmbH as well as the Austrian FWI and strengthens its position, especially in the fields of “artificial intelligence” and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Enterprise solutions.

In terms of awards COSMO CONSULT can proudly announce to be honored as best employer and training workplace in the 2017 TOP JOB competition. COSMO CONSULT is participating in the Hannover Fair for the first time and presents digitalized processes in the fields of Security, Smart Factory, Smart Logistics and Predictive Maintenance. For the second time in a row COSMO CONSULT is awarded as the Microsoft ERP-System Provider of the year 2017.


The year CeBIT died. Too normal, too ubiquitous are digital technologies meanwhile in the professional and private environment, than that it still needs a special fair for this. Microsoft's Germany Cloud will also be in the cemetery of IT history in 2018. Company bosses and CIOs have more confidence in the cloud than they thought.

COSMO CONSULT, on the other hand, has no dismounts to complain about. On the contrary, the product portfolio is growing strongly, especially in future technologies such as Internet of Things, Data & Analytics or Data Science. Once again, the digitization specialist is winning prices by the dozen. These include the Innovation Prize IT of the Initiative Mittelstand for the cloud-based, digital solution scenario Digital Factory 365 and the TOP Consultant award for SMEs. Current market analyses and the renewed inclusion in the Microsoft Inner Circle confirm the leading position as an end-to-end solution provider. In organisational terms, the first thing we need to do after last year's takeovers is to breathe a sigh of relief. Well, at least a little bit, because by the end of the year the number of employees is already dangerously scraping the 1,000 barrier.


New year. New IT trends. The "Immersive Experience" is to be implemented this year by Google Maps. With the help of the camera, the app will be able to recognize specific buildings and places of interest, making it possible to determine the user's location even more precisely. As a result, it can be much more accurately specified in which direction to go and the "Augmented Reality" in daily business moves a step closer.

COSMO CONSULT also continues to set trends and is expanding bit by bit. This year the new location in Bremen has been added. 


The year when we were struck by pandemic and panic buying. For many people, it was a year that they are happy to see go in terms of their personal lives. For most companies it was difficult at best, that is except for supermarkets, toilet paper manufacturers, and Amazon and the like. The digital transformation sector has also seen better times: central events such as the Hannover Messe trade show were cancelled; rattled customers postponed planned investments. As a result, the industry association BITKOM expects that there was a downturn of 5.7 percent.

However, even for a year of crisis, COSMO CONSULT has good news to report: for example, that its own digital models are really working. Because they have been working in the cloud for a long time, hundreds of COSMOnauts around the world were able to switch to working from home office overnight, largely without negative side effects. Digital transformation projects were implemented remotely without in person contact. And many teams even found this to be more efficient.

Crises are always fertile ground for new ideas anyway. And COSMO CONSULT had plenty of new ideas. Good examples are the software bot COSMA and the mobile Corona app, which can inform staff and visitors about hygiene regulations. Even the pandemic could not stop the growth of the group: In 2020, the digital transformation specialists opened offices in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, in the heart of China's high-tech industry. In Germany, a branch was opened in Mannheim, an important economic centre in the area where Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate come together.


Around this time last year, we were looking back on the pandemic year with a weary eye. It is the same this year. We are even more exhausted, also even a little more annoyed. Still, 2021 was not dominated by a single topic to the extent we feared it would be. Because we learned a lot. For example, how easy it is to storm a capitol or how to get a giant container stuck deep in Egyptian sands. And when we by chance came across a supply chain that was not broken, we tended to applaud respectfully.

At least the sun is shining on the IT market again. Whereas last year the pandemic caused sales to collapse, it is now proving to be an engine of growth. According to a study by the market researchers at Cap Gemini, almost half of all employees are now working from home. However, the infrastructure necessary for this often still needs to be put in place. And because digital business models are doing remarkably well these days, digital transformation is also moving forward again, especially in terms of the cloud.

COSMO CONSULT therefore maintained its course in 2021: Nobody was placed into the reduced working hour job retention scheme; no significant number of work days were lost due to illness. When free time did open up, for example, when projects were postponed, that time was put to good use to make progress with innovation and new technologies. For example, the Digital Consultant will be launched in the summer of this year. With the Digital Consultant, it is possible to gain such a good working knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that it is not necessary to seek outside consulting support to set-up and configure programmes. COSMO CONSULT also continued to grow as an organisation: A new training and development centre opened in Debrecen, Hungary. It is conducting in-depth research on the business solutions of the future in close cooperation with the university there.

2022 - another year of crisis

When Putin’s army invaded Ukraine on the 24th of February, people shook their heads in disbelief. A war? In the middle of Europe? Can this really be happening? Few of us believed that Ukraine would be able to defend itself for long. But Ukraine can. The economic consequences of the war include sanctions, refugees, disrupted gas supplies, skyrocketing energy prices, increasing food prices, inflation and higher interest rates.

This hits the economy hard. Many companies are still struggling with supply chain problems and drops in demand as a result of the Covid pandemic. Now, industrial companies in particular are worried that the soaring energy costs will negatively impact their competitiveness. Construction work has halted due to rising interest rates, and in some industries, it’s not possible to increase prices.

At COSMO CONSULT, this “change of times” brings with it a lot of uncertainty. Will customers be able to make it through these complex crises? What will happen with regard to digitalization in these turbulent times? Ultimately, the situation proves to be surprisingly stable. However, there’s yet another concern, namely the lack of qualified personnel. COSMO CONSULT is not the only company faced with this problem. According to the industry association BITKOM, 137,000 jobs for IT specialists remained vacant in 2022 - almost three times as many as five years ago. But besides all the negative news, there was also an absolute highlight: After a two-year break due to the pandemic, COSMOnauts from all over the world were able to meet up in person at COSMOCON, our in-house fair. This was an emotional moment - especially for the many new COSMOnauts who had only met their teams in online meetings up to that point.

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Rétköz utca 5. 1118 Budapest Magyarország
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Arquímedes 15, Col. Polanco V Sección
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+521 55 83109660
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Trump Tower, Piso 2, Oficina 210
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Avenida Javier Prado Oeste 757
Magdalena del Mar - Lima, Perú
Cosmo Consult in Romania
COSMO CONSULT Business Solutions SRL
59, Petru Maior St., 1st District, RO-011261, Bucharest
+40 21 224 5516
Cosmo Consult in Sweden
Sveavägen 52
111 34 Stockholm
+46 8 7998660
Cosmo Consult in Barcelona, Spain
Vallespir, 19 4ª Módulo 2
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
+34 902820242
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Ruetistrasse 13
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+41 44 8306465