Learn how to help yourself with cc|scout 365

Business solutions are efficient, but often complex. Yet, employees are supposed to find their way around immediately and work independently with the new software. However, classical training or key user concepts are not enough to achieve that: Recent studies show that up to 70 percent of the knowledge acquired during training is quickly forgotten - sometimes even within the first week. The result: A constant exchange with colleagues and support, which is not only time-consuming, but also less productive.

The advantages of cc|scout 365 at a glance

  • Direct access to appropriate help for the respective process or program area
  • Fast incorporation into new apps and applications
  • Suitable for almost all Windows or web applications
  • Context-sensitive help software in various formats (e.g. HTML, Audio, PDF, Word)
  • Create and edit program help materials simply by recording
  • 90% less time spent on creating help documentation
  • 50% less cost on training
  • 40% fewer help desk calls
  • Get access to expert knowledge efficiently and have it available continuously
  • Immediate access to new or updated program support materials
  • Built-in tools for administration, quality control and process organization
  • Easy import of existing content
  • Content is available via cloud on all workstations regardless of location
  • Integrated rating and ranking system

The most important application areas

Enablement intelligence Systems such as cc|scout 365 provide excellent services in a variety of different applications:

  • Online work support
  • Interactive simulations
  • Test simulations
  • E-Learnings
  • Operation and user manuals
  • Process documentation
  • Step-by-step navigations with live data entry

Learn from experience

Do you know the 70/20/10 model? The model states that 70 percent of learned skills are based on personal experience, 20 percent on social knowledge exchanged between colleagues, and only 10 percent on traditional training. Yet, most training concepts are designed the other way round. It's time to adopt concepts that better match with the learning behavior of your employees. Give your team the chance to learn from their own experience, to answer questions alone and to find solutions by themselves.

Much more than a program help tool

The Enablement Intelligence System cc|scout 365 combines the principle of context-sensitive program help with the infrastructure of collaborative knowledge platforms. You should not only provide your employees with pre-produced instructions, HTML-based simulations or help texts. Your team should also be able to supplement the existing materials at any time - for example, by documenting specific processes in more details or by saving time with practical workarounds. This is an efficient way to exchange the know-hows, build knowledge bases and promote the self-learning idea.

Current knowledge is always available at hand

cc|scout 365 provides HTML simulations, step-by-step instructions or help texts exactly where they are needed - usually in the context of the currently open input screen or at a specific point in a process. This does not only work when dealing with a specific application, but also with all popular web-based and Windows-based applications.

Easy to use

With its modern, intuitive user interface, cc|scout 365 supports administrators, editors and users in an optimal way. The dashboard provides in-depth analysis of user behaviors and the utilization of the Enablement Intelligence System. This provides information that helps administrators to identify future needs and deal with them a timely manner - for example with a targeted expansion of existing expertise.

Directly from the cloud

cc|scout 365 runs completely in the cloud. You do not need additional hardware or expensive maintenance and support contract. Even back-ups are automatically created by the system. All HTML simulations, work instructions or help texts are stored centrally in one place and are automatically available on all end devices. This is especially helpful for content updates that your employees can use immediately. With cc|scout 365, you can set the right standards to create and edit learning content.

Providing optimal support for employees

In day-to-day operations, the Enablement Intelligence System acts like a coach, accompanying your employees at every turn and providing you with useful tips for every situation. One mouse-click is enough to access expert knowledge, instructions or process simulations - that match the respective case with an intelligent link to corresponding input screens, program areas and processes. Your employees will get to work faster with the new software and acquire any missing knowledge on their own. Your company benefits from:

  • shorter learning phases
  • fewer user errors
  • a sustainable exchange of knowledge and
  • a higher user satisfaction.

Help content produces itself

cc|scout 365 comes with a powerful process and screen capture engine that can be installed as a Chrome add-in or Windows program. Only a few simple steps are needed to document processes, functions and workflows using screenshots, process simulations or audio sequences. It is also just as easy to embed existing contents such as Youtube videos, additional notes or links. This results in practical relevant instructions that can be easily followed and understood. Because cc|scout 365 makes it easy to create contents and link them to your application, your team can collaboratively maintain and extend the support system.

cc|scout 365 at a glance

The Enablement Intelligence System cc|scout 365 consists of the following components:

cc|scout 365 Advisor: Providing support in the desired format

Effective support systems meet the individual learning needs of users - which are very different: While some users prefer to work with classical help texts, others prefer visual process sequences or animated picture sequences. With cc|scout 365, you can produce several alternative teaching materials - namely, context-sensitive materials that are linked to the respective program areas of the corresponding web and Windows applications. cc|scout 365 provides the corresponding help materials and instructions in common documentation formats such as Microsoft Word, HTML, PDF or the demo simulation.

cc|scout 365 Portal: Helping with the system

With cc|scout 365, you do not only create efficient user support, but you can also transparently manage and edit your content in one place. This ensures that your team can easily update and complete the help.

The project management of the cc|scout 365 Portal helps you to distribute, monitor, check, approve and evaluate documentation tasks. It also enables you to import and integrate existing content into the management structure. They will then be contextually available as created help materials with cc|scout 365.

cc|scout 365 Recorder: Demonstrate - record - done

With the cc|scout 365 Recorder, your application experts can create intuitive and task-tailored program support materials. Using process or screen capture techniques, interactions with Windows or web-based applications can be recorded and supplemented with additional information. This creates detailed documentation on individual workflows. cc|scout 365 automatically provides the necessary reference corresponding to the context: All created content can be linked directly to the corresponding application areas as help documents.

Services: More than "just" software

cc|scout 365 helps your team to easily and efficiently share existing know-hows. For an optimal start with the Enablement Intelligence System, COSMO CONSULT also supports you with supplementary services:

  • cc|scout 365 Enablement Service - Our consultants implement cc|scout and provide instructions to your staff on how to use the solution.
  • cc|scout 365 Content Creation Service - We support you in creating individual content with cc|scout.
  • cc|scout 365 EI Project Management - The company-wide introduction of the Enablement Intelligence tool requires clearly defined processes. In addition, there should be detailed planning and coordination to implement the quality management and the rollout, as well as to create and manage the content. Our experienced project managers support you with this task.

Ask our experts

COSMO CONSULT has many years of experience in the implementation, deployment and support of enterprise solutions. What we offer is based on clear procedures, detailed knowledge of business processes in many different industries and excellent product know-how. Just get in touch with us. We look forward to talking to you about how your company in particular can benefit from the unique opportunities that cc|scout 365 offers.

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