Successful teamwork thanks to the Microsoft SharePoint platform - COSMO CONSULT

Collaboration with Microsoft SharePoint - a systematic approach to teamwork

Information is more than just a helpful tool in the modern business world, it is now part of the means of production determining how competitive a company is. However, valuable information is often scattered widely and is often not easily accessible for all employees. In some cases, the information has not even been disseminated, because uniform rules or systems to facilitate sharing are lacking. This is where Microsoft SharePoint comes in: The solution provides you with a user-friendly portal that allows you to bring together information from different sources, such as documents, tasks, appointments, or emails in one place. The web-based technology makes it possible to use content from your ERP system and from Office or other unstructured contexts and to edit it via a browser on all internet-enabled devices. It allows you to share it with others and to improve communication both within the team as well across the company and beyond.


What is SharePoint?

Your advantages at a glance:

 Improved team productivity through easy-to-use collaboration tools


  •  Uniform platform for the management of web and enterprise content
  •  Establishment of team sites to easily exchange knowledge
  • Easy access to expertise
  •  Convenient management and storage of documents
  •  Short training times through familiar Microsoft interface
  • Seamless integration of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Office 365
  • Platform-independent access via smartphone, tablet or laptop
  • Support for web 2.0 and current social computing platforms
  • Workflow management including managing internal approval processes


Microsoft SharePoint platform

Microsoft SharePointPlattform

Hub for information

As a hub for documents, information and content from the various parts of your business, Microsoft SharePoint makes cooperation within your company easier and more effective. Using the platform, you can share your ideas with others and collaborate on documents - from your PC in the office, from your tablet or with your smartphone. With Microsoft SharePoint, you can easily organize your projects and teams and facilitate the smooth flow of information between all involved staff. You can share important information with your team members on a central platform and build a social network with personal workspaces, wikis, blogs, discussion groups and news feeds, including the possibility of incorporating established services for enterprise collaboration and communication such as Yammer.

A variety of functions included

As a business platform for effective, cross-team collaboration within your company, Microsoft SharePoint provides a broad range of functions and opens up opportunities in the following areas:

·       Sharing

Work as a team, share your ideas with your colleagues via the web and take advantage of the collective knowledge in your company

·       Connecting

Exchange ideas with your colleagues within the company and with customers and business partners beyond it

·       Managing

Manage documents and content of all types from a central point of control

·       Discovering

Quickly and reliably find all important information about content, people, and data company-wide

·       Creating

Create your own business applications on the basis of forms and workflows and make them available to your employees and colleagues

·       Deciding

Make informed business decisions using integrated business intelligence functions


With the features that Microsoft SharePoint offers, you can improve collaboration and information management throughout your company and beyond corporate boundaries.

Exchanging information with no borders

The central portal functionality of Microsoft SharePoint forms the foundation of the entire solution and enables efficient and secure collaboration between your employees, teams and across companies with customers and business partners. Microsoft SharePoint offers you a modern web experience and makes a portal framework and the standard applications available that you need to set up portals for intranets, extranets, and the Internet and to address your target groups.

Cross devices information exchange

Cross-device usage of the Microsoft SharePoint platform - COSMO CONSULT
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Improved cooperation

The flexible SharePoint platform facilitates a simple and productive form of collaboration within your company – and beyond. It enables your employees to connect directly with colleagues, customers, and partners at any time and share important information with them. Microsoft SharePoint connects people and helps them to access the collective knowledge of the company. This not only helps to avoid inefficiencies and to increase productivity as a whole, but it also promotes innovation and thus the future viability of your company.

Microsoft SharePoint Search

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Content management on a single platform

Content management is a core element of Microsoft SharePoint. It brings together all the tools you need for the creation, review, publication, and editing of content. Microsoft SharePoint combines document management, social computing and enterprise search, creating a platform for complete enterprise content management that is accessible for all users. Thanks to its comprehensive Office integration, content management in Microsoft SharePoint is very user friendly. For you this means: increased adoption by users and a well-managed repository in which information can be easily found, updated and put to further use.

Reliable search for information

By using SharePoint’s search mechanisms, it is no problem to find content, people, and data quickly and efficiently. To improve the effectiveness of the search, the system gives you the possibility of tagging and filtering content, as well as taking relevance and search behavior into account when performing searches. In addition, it is possible to use refinements to improve the search results. Microsoft SharePoint provides comprehensive capabilities for intranet search, people search, and a platform for creating search-based applications within a uniform, cost-effective infrastructure.

Microsoft SharePoint Composites

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Customized business solutions

Daily business continually places demands on your employees that they can not meet with the existing standard tools. Microsoft SharePoint enables you to quickly respond to specific requirements with individual, custom solutions without being immediately dependent on help from the IT department. The system provides functional building blocks that you can  easily combine, link logically, and configure. These user-designed solutions allow you to act flexibly and quickly and create personalized solutions - from designing websites and data solutions with ease to feature-rich applications that integrate corporate data, electronic forms and workflows.

Microsoft Power BI

Microsoft Power BI dashboard integration in Microsoft SharePoint
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Making informed business decisions

Microsoft SharePoint provides the fundamental business intelligence functions you need to analyze data from structured and unstructured contexts and applications such as your CRM system and then lets you make them available to your employees. Dashboards and scorecards aggregate various data sources, providing important information at a glance and facilitating the analysis of performance indicators. The various presentation and publication possibilities help your managers make informed business decisions.

SharePoint online - simply from the cloud

SharePoint is also available via the cloud: With SharePoint online, you can use the many possibilities of SharePoint without having to deal with the taking care of and maintaining a local installation. You can subscribe to SharePoint as an independent online service or as a part of Office 365, which also automatically gives you access to Exchange, Skype for Business, the Office clients and the mobile SharePoint apps.

Ask our SharePoint experts

COSMO CONSULT has many years of experience in the area of Microsoft SharePoint solutions. Our SharePoint projects are based on a professional project management, on detailed knowledge of the business processes in many industries, and on outstanding know-how when it comes to products. Our experts will be happy to advise you about the unique opportunities that are available to you through the use of Microsoft SharePoint solutions. Just get in touch with us. We are looking forward to talking with you about how your company in particular can benefit from Microsoft SharePoint technologies. 

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