Business Consulting

Have you ever renovated a house? You start at one point and before you've finished, you're faced with the next problem. It's the same with digital transformation. Because everything is connected to everything else. Surprises may be attractive, but it's better to be prepared for them. Business consulting helps you to plan your digitalization project and remove any stumbling blocks.

What business consulting means to us

You may be surprised to hear this from a technology company, but technology plays only a supporting role in digital transformation projects. Developing a cohesive strategy and engaging the people in your organization on your journey to the digital future is much more important. Getting them curious and excited about what's going to change is key. The promise of new software or a new cloud service alone is not enough.

The first milestone...

... on the path of your project's success is when you first conceive your idea. For us, business consulting means supporting you from that first spark onward. We are there when you decide which digital solutions are right for your business, when you analyze your processes, and when you search for new ways of doing things.


...we will develop a holistic digital strategy, a coherent plan and a concrete roadmap for your digital transformation, all tailored to your needs and goals and in line with your corporate culture.


We have a broad range of business consulting services, including

Advantages of our business consulting

A partnership for the best solutions

We work with you to find solutions that work; solutions that move you forward quickly and that you can implement efficiently.

All things digital

From strategy to change management to technology, our consulting services cover all facets of digital transformation.

Customized solutions

Every company achieves success in its own unique way. We craft customized plans that leverage your strengths through the integration of digital technologies.

Innovative project methodology

Using modern project methods, we help your team optimize your ideas and turn them into reality step by step.

If you are brave, there are unlimited possibilities for digitization. If you are brave, there are unlimited possibilities for digitization. If you are brave, there are unlimited possibilities for digitization. If you are brave, there are unlimited possibilities for digitization. If you are brave, there are unlimited possibilities for digitization. 

When is business consulting right for your company?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of when external business consulting makes sense. It depends, for example, on the expertise of your team. And whether you have enough free resources. It also depends on the complexity of the project. If you can answer "yes" to any of the following questions, we should talk:

  •     Are you going through a reorganization and need support?
  •     Is your organization's structure changing?
  •     Do you want to centralize or standardize processes across multiple locations or companies?
  •     Is your finance and controlling department facing new challenges and lacking resources or experience?
  •     Do the daily and project-related tasks in finance exceed your capabilities?
  •     Do you need a neutral assessment of your current situation?
  •     Are you looking for support for the future?
  •     Do you have major IT projects coming up and need to prepare your project managers for new responsibilities?
  •     Need assistance with your Microsoft business software?

Our consulting philosophy

Digital technology alone does not constitute a revolution in itself. It is people who bring about change. They are the ones who seize digital opportunities, develop creative ideas, or challenge existing structures. Imagine giving your teams the solutions they have always wanted. Solutions that propel each individual forward, igniting inspiration and excitement. Solutions that make every person feel understood and respected.

Such solutions are the result of working together as partners on new ideas. And when professional business consultants explain and guide the change process. We can then embark together on the exciting journey of your digital transformation. In the end, your company will benefit from a modern consulting approach and flexible structures, and your team will benefit from a working environment that is fun to be part of every day.

  • Partnership at eye level


  • Industry know-how


  • Innovative solutions professionally introduced


Our sales representatives who visit our customers can check stock availability remotely in Business Central at a glance and access previously prepared quotations, so they can agree on the exact delivery date on the spot. We have had a very positive experience with the cloud solution, with our colleagues who are constantly on the move having instant and secure access to information from anywhere in the country. Our company's flexibility has also increased greatly, we can pick up work from home on Monday where we left off in the office on Friday.

Sándor Serdült, Managing Director of Layher Ltd.

Microsoft Dynamics AX has noticeably improved Masterplast's competitiveness, which is reflected in an increase in the number of customers, improved quality of service and more accurate information. The system delivers everything we expected: greater efficiency, accurate, up-to-date data, and clear lines of responsibility and accountability.

Annamária Gulyás, IT Manager

The Group has already implemented Microsoft Dynamics in several countries and has been using it with great satisfaction, which has not only made it much easier to manage our finances, but has also helped us to be more transparent. When we came to the question of switching to the latest AX system at home, we started looking for a suitable partner for the project. We contacted several possible partners, but due to the good relationship we had established in the past, the trust we had gained during the professional consultations and the solid and secure professional background, we finally chose COSMO CONSULT and we do not regret our decision.

Tamás Varga J. Tamás Global IT Infrastructure and IT Director

The efficiency-enhancing power of Dynamics AX and iSCM is well illustrated by the fact that in the Szeged centre, where the live launch took place, we were able to service one and a half times the turnover with the same number of employees after the inclusion of the other sites.

Zoltán Varró, Warehouse Manager

Marso is committed to dynamic development and we do our utmost to ensure that our products, services, sales channels and internal processes serve these goals as best as possible. To work with precision, it is essential to have a creative workforce, supported by a modern IT system.

Ottó Poroszka, Managing Director

Communication with the COSMO CONSULT team has been and is efficient - we get the answers in the shortest possible time and/or the best recommendations. The collaboration between our companies is based on trust that the solutions found are the right ones.

Ştefan Stancu, IT Manager, PPT

I can say that I would recommend COSMO CONSULT for their expertise, commitment and flexibility

Cosmin Năzdrăvanu, IT Manager, Euromaster

After the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, things have changed dramatically. Whereas before the ERP solution was implemented we were not able to accurately quantify production costs, now it takes a maximum of 10 minutes to find out the cost of a new product for configuration. We are also able to know costs and profit in real time at both product category and product level.

Marius Mărginean, Phoenix Mecano Plastic - IT Manager

The implementation project was not an easy one, but COSMO CONSULT and Orkla together managed to complete it successfully, with no unforeseen situations today. The Orkla project managers had an additional task, that of reselling the project internally, convincing the rest of the team of the necessity of their involvement and dedication.

ANDREI CUCU Orkla Foods România - IT Manager

The main reason we chose LS NAV was that it proved to be the best retail addon for the ERP solution we were already using (Microsoft Dynamics NAV) for most operations (warehouse, purchasing, database, accounting).

AGNES GUNDISCH Mendola Pro - Director Executiv

We chose COSMO CONSULT for this implementation because this company has very good references and regional know-how. We also appreciated COSMO CONSULT team's competence for Microsoft Dynamics products and ability to respond to our organization's specific business requirements.

WILLIAM SCARBOROUGH AISB - Director of Finance & Operations

Thanks to the support of COSMO CONSULT experts, we are able to ensure the regulatory compliance of our products in Europe and internationally. The digitization of our processes and the implementation of Life Sciences business applications enable us, among other things, to reduce audit preparation times, restrict the sale of certain products to certain customers/markets, and control the purchase of products from qualified suppliers.

Cédric Renkes, CIO, ELITechGroup

There has been a clear improvement. Nowadays, we are much more efficient when it comes to client tracking and client contact. There are things which can make everyday life much easier.

Mateu Iglesias, Sales Manager Penélope CAD

We've grown by 15 percent over the last seven years - while keeping the number of employees steady. It is Dynamics 365 and COSMO CONSULT that are responsible for our continuing productivity gains.

Olaf Schneider, Managing Director of Hans-Joachim Schneider GmbH

The banking industry had changed and increasingly focused on the customer. It was therefore also important to introduce a system that focused on the customer and therefore all customer-related processes and documents as well as the entire communication with our contacts. The most important information should be available to our sales staff in a well-structured manner at the push of a button.

Elisabeth Reiser-Eckelhart, Senior Solution Manager at s-IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

Our claim that the windows offer ‘great outlooks’ means that we act proactively when it comes to customer care, and in doing so, we have been implementing a CRM system for years. From the perspective of a medium-sized company, I consider the change to the Cloud a great gain: Instead of having to shop around for a new system every five years, the solution provider will take care of all updates. As a result, we will always remain state-of-the-art with the CRM.

Florian Schmidinger, Managing Director of Schmidinger Fenster und Türen

We were looking for a solution that offered more speed and room for process optimisation. At the latest when it became clear that our constantly growing volume of documents would endanger the stability of the system in the long term, it was high time for a change.

Jannis Friedag, Head of Finance by sofatutor

If you don't know exactly where you stand and simply need ideas and impressions, the digitization check is a good tool.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director at Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

The fact that we found access to the software within a very short time opens up the very best development opportunities for the future - and simplifies further integration into the LAP Group.

Anaïs Roy, Managing Director of A2J Laser (LAP France)

COSMO CONSULT provided us with predefined templates that were adapted to our needs. We then defined the processes together on this basis, and our wishes were fully taken into account.

Sarah Käufl, IT Project Manager at Medi-Globe Technologies GmbH

COSMO CONSULT's Business Intelligence solutions, based on our process-leading systems such as SAP and Microsoft Dynamics CRM, were the perfect solution.

Hannes Ruess, Head of Global IT, Lenzing AG

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we can create and process customer-related quotations in high quality. We can track them and, of course, close them.

Heiko Voß, Managing Director, TITAN MACHINERY

We have to be able to go from 0 to 100 at any time. That only works with cloud-based solutions. That's why it was very clear to us that we would go with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Mihael Iljic, Digital Manager Europe, TITAN MACHINERY

In cooperation with our employees and our customers, our CRM solution has become a key success factor in our company.

Andreas Kohl, Branch Manager, REXEL Austria GmbH

Microsoft Dynamics creates free resources through automation. This allows me to use people for what I pay them for. For example, for thinking and acting.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director, Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

We want our people to approach work with fun and curiosity and to come out of the company with more energy. Microsoft Dynamics is the system that best supports us in this.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director, Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

Microsoft Dynamics CRM has enabled us to significantly improve transparency. We can access all relevant information without having to search for a long time.

Miriam Niedenhof-Ducker, Sales & Marketing Manager, UBE Europe GmbH

Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps us expand our expertise, externally and internally. Internally, we benefit from uniform, efficient business processes. Externally, we can address our customers even more specifically with new products.

Jeronimo Porras, Managing Director, UBE Europe GmbH

One important point is that with Microsoft Dynamics we now have up-to-date data to manage the company, which we previously had to painstakingly gather. We simply know better where we stand at all times.

Roland Gleich, Managing Director of GLEICH Aluminium

The 360-degree view of the clientele brings transparency, because with Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, knowledge is made available to everyone for the first time, allowing us to serve our customers comprehensively and better.

Michael Zehntner, Product Owner CRM-IT, Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH

Together with COSMO CONSULT, we looked at what we could implement in a short period of time to achieve maximum success and effectiveness. From this, we then put together a package together.

Meikel Muschalik, Sales IT & Projects Manager at LogicLine Europe

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, we now have the opportunity to turn our visions and our ideas into reality. Whether lead marketing, lead scoring or marketing automation. There are no more interfaces and no more system breaks. That was a major factor in the decision.

Alexander Knor, Head of Marketing & Sales Operations at LogicLine Europe

We chose the cloud version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to avoid having to update every few years. It is always up to date and we have the possibility to expand the system very easily in the future.

Alexander Knor, Head of Marketing & Sales Operations at LogicLine Europe

A CRM system like Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM is so relevant and so necessary. I can't imagine how people used to get by without one.

Stefan Ulmer, Head of CRM at OPED

We needed our new system to cover series, discrete and process manufacturing. COSMO CONSULT was the only vendor to offer all three manufacturing modules from a single source.

Jens Schulze, authorized signatory and head of central purchasing at BOSIG Baukunststoffe GmbH

There are many special features in the pharmaceutical industry, which we were able to map in Microsoft Dynamics with the support of COSMO CONSULT. Thanks to the close cooperation with our software partner and the flexible ERP system, we were able to implement all requirements.

Pedro Berbil, operations manager at PharmaMar

With COSMO edi, our warehouse and logistics processes are much more efficient and much more secure. We can do without paper and save time and money.

Jens Pruin, authorized signatory at Prätorius GmbH

Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics, relevant information from production is immediately available to all authorized persons. Compared to the past, the central data storage is already a clear advantage.

Lucas Lurger, project manager at Qness GmbH

Creating Microsoft Power Apps is very simple. That's why we take a constructive and pragmatic approach to these projects - without elaborate concepts or requirements profiles.

Martin Weber-Liel, Managing Director of QSIL Ceramics GmbH

If customer relationships develop negatively, we notice it much earlier with Microsoft Power BI. We can find out the causes and react faster. That's how reporting can make money.

Martin Weber-Liel, Managing Director of QSIL Ceramics GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics 365, we have facilitated collaboration between office staff and field staff. Employees can access all data independently at any time, whether directly at the customer's site or in the office.

Markus Kitzinger, IT Application Manager at REXEL Austria GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, the field sales force now has all the info it needs to serve customers optimally. The inside sales force sees the field sales force's e-mail traffic with the customer. He sees if, what and how much the customer orders via the web store.

Alexander Hemmerich, Head of IT, Rexel Austria GmbH

With COSMO CONSULT's add-on solutions, Microsoft Dynamics maps all of our business processes - without any additional programming effort for customizations.

Patrick Taube, Administrator and IT Manager at RKB

Our successes so far show that we are on the right track with Microsoft Dynamics and COSMO CONSULT. And we are continuing on it.

Jan Scheibe, IT Project Manager at Röckelein GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics and COSMO project, we can map our tasks and special tasks in individual projects in all areas. This is a very excellent and comfortable situation for us.

Heiko Loroff, Managing Director Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics, we are now very transparent in the data. This is very important, especially for our shareholder, because the Free State expects us to report permanently.

Heiko Loroff, Managing Director Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH

We used to maintain project times in Excel. Today, we record them directly in Microsoft Dynamics. Now, at the push of a button, we can call up how much working time has been accrued on a particular order. If we add the allocated costs, the budget development can also be tracked transparently.

Johannes Roßrucker, Managing Director of Sächsische Sandsteinwerke GmbH

Microsoft Dynamics is characterized by its open technology. Adjacent systems can be easily and conveniently integrated via web services. This makes machine data or information from logistics directly available in the company software.

Manfred Steinbacher, Project Manager at Scheucher

Qlik View has allowed us to significantly streamline the process from data sourcing and preparation to report generation, both in terms of time and quality.

Jens Kersten, Head of Operations Organization at THÜSAC Personenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH.

Qlik View convinced us with its high usability, easy connectivity of any data source and attractive price-performance ratio.

Jens Kersten, Head of Operations Organization at THÜSAC Personenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH.

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales & Marketing, we have streamlined and simplified our processes. Instead of searching through confusing Excel lists, Sales now sees their current leads & sales opportunities in a structured way and can focus on customer care.

Christoph Standl, Founder and Board Member, Tourismus Interaktiv AG

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Sales, it is possible to create uniform quotations without creating the business partner in SAP in advance. This means a huge time saving for our inside sales team.

Miriam Niedenhof-Dücker, Sales & Marketing Manager at UBE Europe GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have more information available to us today than ever before. Our processes run smoothly and they have a consistently high quality. That's exactly how we envisioned it.

Phil Norris, Strategic Project Manager at VirtaMed

We were looking for someone who would take us by the hand - where there are stumbling blocks - but who would also let us move forward independently. This approach with COSMO CONSULT has helped us a lot.

Mihael Iljic, Digital Manager Europe, Titan Machinery

Microsoft Dynamics enables us to handle day-to-day business in purchasing more easily and therefore more quickly than in the legacy system.

Nicole Steiner, Key User Purchasing, Alpenländische Veredelung

With Microsoft Dynamics, we work in lean processes. Transactions can be booked or changed in just a few steps. Another plus point is the transparency. Extensive evaluations provide us with a quick overview of all areas of the company.

Doreen Weber, IT Manager at ARTiBack GmbH

In our country, salespeople are also project managers. They benefit from a complete overview of presales, project monitoring to customer billing. Dynamics and Power BI's multi-device and remote access fit perfectly with our international development strategy.

Romain Bournet, Managing Director of Bilsing Automation France and Head of Asia & Brazil

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have a flexible system that allows us to quickly set up interfaces and further improve workflows.

Andreas Sperber, IT Manager at DBV

With Microsoft Dynamics, we always have our customer data at hand. We can research every transaction down to the smallest detail. If a customer calls, up to 80 percent of our employees are immediately ready to provide information.For us and for our customers, this is a tremendous added value.

Thomas Stegen, Head of IT(TS) at EDUR-Pumpenfabrik Eduard Redlien GmbH & Co. KG.

Thanks to Microsoft Dynamics AX, today we actually have security in terms of information and can trust it completely

Sebastián Ferro, Managing Director of Ferro Torre

Today, if something changes in a process or project, everyone involved is automatically informed - no matter where they are. This eliminates time-consuming coordination runs and double entries. Benefits like these can be experienced every day and are the reason why technologies like Microsoft Dynamics are so important to us.

Jens Herbig, team leader at Finanz Data GmbH.

We have grown by 15 percent in the last seven years - with the same number of employees. We have Microsoft Dynamics and COSMO CONSULT to thank for the ongoing productivity increases.

Olaf Schneider, Managing Director of Hans-Joachim Schneider GmbH

With COSMO CrefoDynamics, we save a lot of time and always work with the latest information.

Simone Gräßlin, Hostettler GmbH

Thanks to Qlik View, we have quick access to all the metrics that are relevant to us and can analyze data flexibly - from a bird's eye view to a detailed level.

Michael Weisshaupt, Head of IT, KGM Kugelfabrik GmbH & Co.KG.

Microsoft Dynamics has allowed us to greatly simplify key workflows and reduce the amount of time our team spends on them.

Ing. Horst Kögl, Managing Director of Kögl GmbH.

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have all customer data in one place. This includes not only contact information, but also the technical details of the installed equipment.

Ing. Horst Kögl, Managing Director of Kögl GmbH.

COSMO tact-oriented planning helps us plan and control both machining production and final assembly.

Thomas Blum, Operations Manager at Kral GmbH

With the interface from the CAD system to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, we were able to increase speed and minimize errors. That's efficiency taken to the extreme.

Thomas Blum, Operations Manager at Kral GmbH

Often I don't remember if I saw an Excel spreadsheet in a chat or received it as an attachment or link. By entering the name, I find the current version in Microsoft 365. I see that a colleague is working on it and I call him right away.

Michael Hochhold, Head of IT and RnD at Leyrer + Graf.

We want to offer smart services and products. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central tools keep our employees on their toes. Potentials are recognized and used more quickly.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director at Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

All the information we need for each customer can be found in the CRM - just as it should be. This is also important for our evaluations. For our field sales force, lead management - the planned, structured tracking of sales opportunities - is the biggest advantage.

Thomas Feymann, Head of Sales LogicLine Europe GmbH.

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have currently achieved a 200 percent improvement in production.

Ralf Kreider, authorized signatory and IT and operations manager at Lucas-Nülle GmbH

You can't necessarily say that we can do something now that we couldn't do before, but everything was more complicated, took longer and was more error-prone. We work much more efficiently with Microsoft Dynamics and the COSMO modules. What we can do, we can now do better, faster.

Ralf Kreider, authorized signatory and IT and operations manager at Lucas-Nülle GmbH

With COSMO CONSULT, everything seemed structured and professional. We suddenly saw light at the end of the tunnel and were able to quickly gain confidence.

Stefan Beyerlein, operational management / wheel technology at DBV Würzburg GmbH.

COSMO CONSULT picked up on our special requirements and processes and already showed initial approaches to solutions during the presentation.

Jens Herbig, Team Leader at Finanz Data GmbH

COSMO CONSULT helps us to positively differentiate ourselves from the competition through efficiency, time and quality.

Thomas Düringer, Member of the Management Team, Head of IT at KRAL GmbH

It's not just the delivery of software, but above all the competent consulting that determines our future with COSMO CONSULT.

Thomas Düringer, Member of the Management Team, Head of IT at KRAL GmbH

We should seize the opportunity and also call on the consultants' consulting edge. At first, we fell into the trap again and said 'Everything is different with us. Standards don't work'. But COSMO CONSULT stuck with it and convinced us, based on experience, that standards do work.

Michael Hochhold, Head of IT and RnD at Leyrer + Graf m.b.H.

COSMO CONSULT's open communication, professional quality management and well-prepared workshops confirmed that we made the right decision at the time.

Hannes Schrödter, Head of Product Management at Mister Spex GmbH

Together with COSMO CONSULT, we have succeeded in making central processes in all areas of the company more efficient. The small amount of customization confirms that we have the right partner and consultant.

Lucas Lurger, Project Manager at Qness GmbH

We will always need a partner like COSMO CONSULT for our system. There are plenty of ideas - and COSMO CONSULT is innovative and very much ahead of the game.

Heiko Loroff, Managing Director Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH

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Business Consulting