Women working in customer relation with Microsoft Dynamics CRM - COSMO CONSULT

Mastering communication and interaction using CRM solutions

Communication, exchange of information and interaction in everyday business are becoming increasingly fast-paced. This makes managing customer relationships much more complex – not least due to the large number of communication channels you use today. Customer relationship management software helps improve the exchange of information between people in everyday business, optimising processes and visualising data in a customer-oriented system.

The introduction of a CRM system is synonymous with your company's consistent orientation towards your customers. The interaction of marketing, service and sales harmonises all customer touch points and presents your customers and prospects with the right content at the right time.

Do you have questions about our CRM solutions?

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Five reasons for a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution

Retain existing customers, find new customers

CRM systems support both existing customer relationships and the management of leads. Using a high-quality CRM database, you can smoothly tie in with the last customer contact and thus boost the relationship with your customers. The Microsoft Dynamics CRM software also accommodates current sales opportunities. A status update on the respective prospects is no problem anymore – whenever you need it.

Structure sales processes

Your sales staff's gut feeling is important, however, an objective assessment of the likelihood of closing a deal is indispensable for sales planning. CRM solutions provide an overview of the potential of sales opportunities and their expected closing date. Hence, your sales staff can focus on the right deals.

Service at the highest level

The interaction of product, service, staff and reaction rate is what characterises perfect service quality from a customer's point of view. In order to act quickly or even before a problem arises, you need software combining all product and customer data, thus facilitating the work of service staff – be it in-house or mobile right at the customer's.

Individual approach of different target groups

Breaking with mass marketing campaigns, leading to personalised, bi-directional communication with customers and prospects: The automation of marketing activities, combined with knowledge about the target group's interests allows an efficient and individual approach. Become relevant for your target group, it will thank you with loyalty and rising sales figures.

Centralise and utilise data gold

Most companies do not find it hard to collect data; pooling them in one place and generating relevant insights from them is much more sophisticated, however. Your company's CRM system centralises all data, and they can be viewed and analysed by the respective employees depending on their roles. This is what gives the data flood the necessary clout for sales and marketing.

More on the topic of CRM

Guide: Seven Success Factors for CRM Projects 
Make your CRM project a success story. 

Self-test: Which Project Approach is Right for your Project? 
Take the self-test! Waterfall vs. Agile Project Approaches 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement (CRM)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement is your gateway to professional customer management. From prospect inquiry through to sales and customer service, you can map all work processes flexibly, analyse them comprehensively and control them individually.

Working as with Microsoft Office

Like all Microsoft-based solutions, also Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement is closely linked with the Microsoft Office system. The integration of the CRM software into a familiar working environment ensures

  • short familiarisation periods,
  • high levels of employee acceptance and
  • high productivity.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement is a stand-alone CRM solution that can be operated directly from Microsoft Outlook so that your staff in marketing, sales and service do not need to switch between business applications.

Complete control over your marketing campaigns

The marketing module of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement helps you pool all your customer information and implement and evaluate marketing campaigns efficiently. With the help of analysis and reporting functionalities, you can measure the success of previous marketing activities, assess customer preferences, plan and initiate new campaigns. Using the bulk import of data, automatic removal of duplicates and tracking of opt-ins/opt-outs, you can increase the efficiency of your campaigns significantly. This module allows you to measure marketing performance as well as minimise campaign costs. 

Mastering the sales process

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement sales module serves the optimization and automation of processes in sales. Your sales staff have online and offline access to all data, allowing them to work more efficiently and giving them more time for their sales tasks. By registering customer preferences and activities as well as creating follow-up activities, your sales staff can keep an eye on all prospects and master the sales process. The evaluation of sales opportunities through the cc|crm salesup add-on allows an improved prioritisation of sales projects. At the same time, the module, in conjunction with Microsoft SharePoint, also supports the management of all essential documents – from quotations and orders through to contracts and renewal notices. 

Optimal support for your service staff

For all companies wanting to distinguish themselves through excellent service, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement with the Customer Service and Field Service modules provides ideal software support. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service / Customer Service allows you to provide, among others, all customer data, case information, service history and support knowledge on the desktops of customer service representatives and supervisors. Access to service level agreements and using an automatic call management service mean employees are optimally supported and consistent service is guaranteed. In addition, the processing time of service requests can be significantly reduced through automated assignment, routing and automatic reply messages. 

Be on the safe side

The decision in favour of a customer relationship management system is always also of strategic importance. With COSMO CONSULT, you can be sure to bank on the right IT partner for your investment: Demonstrating sustainability, among others, our Microsoft awards guarantee you that we are among the top class of Microsoft Dynamics partners. Our many years of experience, our professional project management on the basis of detailed knowledge of business processes in many industries and our many successful projects in the field of CRM prove that we are absolutely familiar with the requirements of modern customer relationship management. 

Digital solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics for Sales (CRM)

CRM Discrete Manufacturing

Our CRM solution cc|crm discrete manufacturing based on Microsoft Dynamics 365 ensures process optimization and efficiency increases for national and international manufacturing companies.

Media and Publishing Houses

The dynamics in the media and publishing environment, accelerated not least by digitization, demand a high degree of flexibility in market cultivation. An end-to-end solution tailored to the media industry can make a decisive contribution to this.

Does this sound interesting?

Together, we will find the right concept for your individual CRM requirements. You may also be interested in one of our CRM industry solutions, collaboration solutions such as SharePoint, Business Intelligence or one of our many add-on solutions for your CRM.

We look forward to you contacting us by phone or e-mail so that we can work out together how to make more of your business with COSMO CONSULT. 

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