Integrated industry solution for measurement and control technology

The era of mechanics has long been replaced by the electronic age. It ensures that our production mashinery works smoothly, our cars drive more energy efficient and our living room has a constant temperature level of 21 °C. However, considering the increasing automisation in manufacturing, trends like autonomous driving or the fast growing performance of smartphones, we realize that the end of the road is not even close.

Perfect control of business processes

The current business environment is good for the manufacturers of measurement and control equipment. The increased spread of digital technologies in the industry is opening up new business areas for these predominantly medium-sized companies. There is strong demand for sensor and measurement technology, above all. In terms of the economy as a whole, the industry is sometimes considered to be part of automation, sometimes part of electrical engineering, and the actors are involved in a wide range of fields:

  • Measurement technology develops devices and processes to measure certain parameters such as voltage, mass, pressure, temperature, filling levels or time.

  • The task of control technology is to run processes according to predefined specifications.

  • Specialists in regulating technologies process measured data according to specific rules. If, for example, the temperature of a cooling system exceeds a limit value, a valve opens.

  • Sensors provide information on such things as acceleration, vibration, and geographic location. 

The AMA Association for Sensors and Measurement estimates that around 2,500 companies are active in the industry in Germany alone. They employ about 250,000 people and generate annual sales of around 35 billion euros. More than 40 percent of that is exported, mostly to other European countries. The main customers are above all production companies from industries such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, energy, machinery and plant construction. Sensors also play an increasingly important role in safety, in vehicles and in the home. In light of current trends such as “Industry 4.0", as the move to automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies is known in Germany the economic importance of the industry is increasing.

The demands that manufacturers of measurement and control technology make of their ERP systems differ somewhat from the needs of other companies. Solutions in this area are not produced for each individual customer, but are tailored to the exact wishes of the customers using countless standard components. 

Using checklists to make sound decisions

cc|configure-to-order is therefore equipped with an easy-to-use checklist system. Your employees can check the feasibility of the order already when they are in the process of entering the exact product specifications. It is therefore quickly clear whether, for example, additional services must be calculated separately. Parameters help to determine the exact configuration of the product in a few simple steps. One click of the mouse is then sufficient to provide the information to the production unit.

Calculate offers flexibly

Product costing in cc|configure-to-order is just as easy and flexible as in Microsoft Excel. But in cc|configure-to-order, the calculation is integrated directly into the ERP system. You can calculate columns and rows, define surcharges and discounts, take discounts into account, and then integrate the total as a calculated final price. Because no manual data entry is required, your employees save time. The information is available immediately. At the same time, you avoid transmission errors. 

Transparent production planning

In manufacturing, companies have been using graphic planning panels, on which the production is planned and controlled, for a long time. With cc|configure-to-order, you can quickly get an overview of the current state of production. You can see the scheduled sequences, the utilization of machines and lines as well as all important production factors. This way, you can see early on where bottlenecks might occur and keep an overview at all times. Proven, practical algorithms help to continually improve the planning process. The production planning system is intuitive and easy to use. Changes in plans can be easily implemented via drag & drop.

Quality is verifiably documented

Control and regulation technology is often used in particularly sensitive areas of production. Components and controls must work reliably in this context. The customers are of course aware of this and have high requirements concerning quality. Quality is something that affects the entire company. In the end, the cause of a defect is not necessarily to be found in the production process. With cc|quality management, you set the standards that your company will work by. The add-on module helps you to define standards and monitor them. You can define cycles, methods, means and concepts. If defects do actually occur, you can quickly identify the affected items via batch tracking.

Shaping the digital transformation

The move to digital plays a particularly important role in future-oriented industries like measurement, control and regulation technology. The digital transformation requires us to rethink our private and professional lives. It is a question of how we use software and how our idea of the "digital" company is changing. For COSMO CONSULT the digital company is no longer just a vision of the future. Already today, our solutions can connect all areas of your company together. With our digital solutions, you can keep an eye on the entire supply chain.

New ideas for the workplace of the future

Most companies work with a variety of different systems. What is often missing, however, is uniform information management. Instead, the different solutions work side by side, without a common reference point. However, a modern work environment should actively and directly provide support for all tasks and work processes, whether in the office or on the road. With COSMO CONSULT solutions, you can create digital working environments that do the following: 

  • Provide optimal support for teamwork 

  • Promote individual productivity of your employees

  • Enable comprehensive process automation and

  • Help ensure that the entire company's knowledge is available at all times. 

In this way, your employees are able to do their jobs in the best way possible.

The simplicity of digital enterprise solutions

The cloud is a simple, reliable and secure way to drive digital transformation in companies without having to think about IT infrastructure or database systems. The digital solution portfolio of COSMO CONSULT can be relocated to the Microsoft Cloud in whole or in part as needed. You decide which tasks and processes remain in the company, which areas are outsourced, and which additional services are required. You can use your resources to expand your business - and let us do the rest.

Ask our experts

COSMO CONSULT has many years of experience in the field of helping companies in the measurement and control industry go digital. What we offer is based on a clear methodology, on detailed knowledge of the processes in the industry, and on outstanding know-how when it comes to products. Our experts would be pleased to advise you about the opportunities of modern software technologies. Just call us or send us an e-mail. Then we can discuss how your company can benefit from our digital solutions.

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