HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Your challenge
With the shortage of skilled workers and growing complexity, the demands on your HR team are increasing. What if you could break down data silos and digitize manual processes to optimally support your team?
Our plan
A modern, agile HR management platform relieves your team with automated processes. Smart functions and best practices boost recruiting and employee development.
Solution approaches
HR management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 removes efficiency brakes and ensures transparent, consistent data. Precise analyses and artificial intelligence help to make the right decisions and develop clever ideas.

For ambitious HR teams

Could you grow faster, but would your team reach its limits? Well, then you are like many other companies. What if you started to think more strategically about how you manage your people? If your HR professionals could identify trends and patterns early and be involved in strategic decisions, you could develop and promote people much earlier. Instead of reacting to new demands under time pressure, you will be able to proactively shape the future. Your company will get a head start and become much more agile in dealing with change in dynamic markets. For example, your HR team can prepare employees for new roles or use smart ideas to retain experts and specialists.

The ideal tool for this is HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365, a compact HR platform that automates HR processes and provides seamless support from A to Z. Like a well-oiled engine, processes and functions interlock seamlessly. Your employees can look forward to no more double entries, checks, and time-consuming reconciliations. And best of all, it creates a valuable data pool of timely, accurate information that helps you make the right decisions every day.

Recruiting from promising start to satisfactory end

With HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365, you can realistically assess employee satisfaction, track absenteeism, and know how long employees stay with the company. Finally, recruiting will no longer be a black box: HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365 tells you how long it takes to bring new specialists on board and how much it costs. This allows you to plan future projects and recruiting efforts more accurately.

HR Management also provides operational support throughout the recruiting process. Your success rate will be better from the start. But signing the contract is just the beginning; the next step is to retain your new hires. This is the secret to an important piece of securing your future. And that gives you a leg up on the competition: a credible growth perspective. But how do you keep a team together over time?

Your HR team needs to put together a balanced package. A good mix of identification, working atmosphere, prospects and appreciation. Innovative recruiting ideas, proactive training and development, and active team building are all part of professional HR management. And if you're looking for more efficient processes and more automation, you've come to the right place. With the HR Management platform for Microsoft Dynamics 365, your team will excel.

Human resource management - the invisible hand that keeps everything running

Human Resources is about more than just managing people. From finding talent to celebrating success, HR is about everything that makes your employees happy and productive. Today's HR professionals bring their expertise to many strategic decisions. For your team, they are go-to people who motivate, encourage, support, sometimes mediate, and provide a steady hand. For you, they are advisors who actively help you shape your business for the future.

HR management for Microsoft Dynamics 365: made for all company sizes

  • For small companies


  • For medium-sized and large companies



  • Digital processes take the pressure off your HR team.
  • You can start lean and gradually expand your system.
  • HR processes are supported end-to-end, including mobile.
  • Seamlessly integrated into leading Microsoft technology platforms.
  • Your HR data is stored securely in one place.
  • Easily adaptable to your individual requirements.
  • Make informed decisions with AI functions and your data.

Apps and connections for HR Management for Microsoft Dynamics 365

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