A company’s success is often measured by figures for growth and revenue. But success actually has many faces - in the case of COSMO CONSULT over a thousand faces now. In June of this year, Europe's leading Microsoft Dynamics partner crossed the 1,000 employee mark.
To be exact, there are one thousand and four employees - internally also called cosmonauts - currently working at COSMO CONSULT. At over 40 locations in Europe and Latin America, our software engineers, consultants, project managers, and finance and sales experts ensure that the companies we work with are among those that profit from digital transformation. For 23 years COSMO CONSULT has been a constant in the world of Microsoft Dynamics. And a lot has happened in these 23 years.
Connect four + one
When four friends in Münster - Horst Bergmann, Joachim Scheich, Carl Beckmann and Helmut Hoff plus one in Berlin - Uwe Bergmann - founded COSMO CONSULT in 1996, the business focused on ERP and above all on Navision, which was a hot new shooting star in the field of business solutions at the time. In just two years, the company became one of the most successful Navision suppliers in the world.
Today Navision is called Business Central and - like COSMO CONSULT - has come a long way. The solution, which quickly became the market leader for medium-sized businesses, is now part of the comprehensive Microsoft business ecosystem, which links all a company’s departments and supports them with modern digital tools.
The Dynamics Success Story
The success of Microsoft solutions is certainly due to Microsoft's commitment and its unique expertise. If you can draw on the resources of the world's largest software provider, you are clearly on the safe side. But business software is a complex topic: Every company is unique and every business solution is an integral part of a company’s business operations - and thus of value creation. The success of the Dynamics solutions is also due to partners such as COSMO CONSULT, that ensure that the software becomes part of the life of a company.
"It's about people"
And this is where people come in. Business solutions are tools that help people get the most out of their potential. "There's a lot of talk about technology in our industry. Technology is also part of what we do, but for us the focus is on people", says Uwe Bergmann, CEO of the COSMO CONSULT Group. He means not only the people who work with the software, but also those who develop it.
This is even more important in these times of great change: "Digital technologies are changing our world in fundamental ways," says Uwe Bergmann. "It is absolutely crucial that the people caught up in these changes are not forgotten. After all, the point is for creativity, inspiration and passion to flourish in the workplace. It's about people."
In touch with the digital zeitgeist
Focusing on people is the secret of COSMO CONSULT's success - but that is not really so secret, because the company’s motto is: “Business software for people”. Not only our customers know how important this is; our own employees do, too: It is above all thanks to their votes that COSMO CONSULT was recently named one of the best employers.
That is also the reason why the number of employees at COSMO CONSULT has increased so quickly, now exceeding the one thousand mark: "As a high-tech company, our work involves the issues of the future: Artificial intelligence, modern workplace design, the automation and data exchange technologies known in Germany as “Industry 4.0” - all of these fields naturally attract a lot of talent," explains Uwe Bergmann. "But we're also investing heavily in our own development, and our employees are at the center of that."

COSMO CONSULT sees itself as an attractive employer playing a leading role in technological progress, actively shaping our digital future. With this image in mind, the company has reached many milestones: Microsoft Partner of the Year, FOCUS growth champion twice in a row, most recently with sales of almost 120 million euros, a TOP Consultant rating many times. And now a very special milestone has been added: 1,000 cosmonauts on a joint journey into the digital future.
Do you want to be part of this trip? Are you interested in an apprenticeship or a job with one of the best employers? Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!