How does COSMO CONSULT deal with Corona?

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Uwe Bergmann

Dear customer,

The current occurrences regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) are probably keeping you as much in suspense as they do us. Today we would like to give you an insight into how we as COSMO CONSULT Group handle this situation.

Your and our employees are the greatest asset!

In order to protect them, from now as all teams of the COSMO CONSULT Group are recommended to work in the home office and, if it is practicable after prior consultation with your company, to carry out as far as possible all advisory meetings online.

Of course, all known channels to your COSMO CONSULT contact persons, such as telephone, mobile phone, email, teams, chat etc. are at your disposal as usual. In a separate letter we will inform you about the optimal usage of tools from the Microsoft Office 365 package, e.g. Microsoft Teams, which we will soon present in a webinar series.

Together with you we will face the upcoming challenges and create the best possible foundation for a further successful, common future. Let us continue our business while observing all necessary health protection measures.

If you need infrastructural support in setting up of home office workstations, please contact us. We will support you!

Of course, we are also available for all other questions at any time.

Thank you for your ongoing trust in COSMO CONSULT – in good times, and even more so in these challenging times.

Best regards & stay healthy,

Uwe Bergmann, Klaus Aschauer, Gerrit Schiller 


Uwe Bergmann | Chief Executive Officer

Contact our COSMOnaut

Uwe Bergmann
Klaus Aschauer | Chief Customer Officer

Contact our COSMOnaut

Klaus Aschauer
Gerrit Schiller | Chief Operating Officer

Contact our COSMOnaut

Gerrit Schiller