What we believe
Since our foundation in 1996, we have been guided by the conviction that people are the most important success factor in all our thoughts and actions.
The focus on people is the core of our philosophy, our vision and mission. It determines our actions and is an essential part of our corporate culture, our COSMO Code.
Our COSMO Code is more than just a statement of our corporate values. It shows who we are and who we want to be. It represents what we at COSMO believe in collectively and with deep conviction across cultures, locations and nationalities: The power of people.
Without people, there would be no inspiration, innovation and passion, no fun, no products, projects or solutions - and no successes. It's always about people and nothing without them. They and their strengths make the decisive difference.
The COSMO Code represents a commitment by all COSMOnauts worldwide to our beliefs and actions. It is written in English, and out of respect for the intent and power of the original work, we have deliberately chosen not to translate it into local languages.
The Power of People
Since 2022, the headline of the COSMO Code has also been our slogan. The Power of People stands for our belief in the power that lies within us as human beings. This power can be found especially in the 10 Principles for Success. We'd like to share them with you here.
The COSMO Code
Every day, we are working with different people in different roles in all areas of our business. The better we collaborate, communicate and interact with people inside and outside of our company, the more successful we will be.
When we say that we are putting people in the center or being human centric or being customer centric, we always believe in the same principles. These principles are the fundamental foundation of how we see the world.
For us, being human centric means openness towards ALL human beings and treating them with respect, honesty, empathy and compassion. It is about caring for the needs of others, being curious and open-minded, and our willingness to help. It is about the ambition to inspire people and make a difference for the better. This behavior and the values that go with it are essential to building an atmosphere of trust and a safe environment, which in turn creates the basis for growth.
When we look at young children, we see the most powerful skills like openness, curiosity, creativity, passion, but also empathy and compassion. The willingness and the ability to collaborate and communicate with others is fundamental for survival and deeply rooted in our nature.
The ability to effectively activate these skills and potentials and reconcile them with the ambition to grow as individuals and as a part of our company is the strongest possible foundation for our future success together.
We believe in The Power of People and the ability to inspire others to make a difference for the better.
We inspire people and take processes digital to make companies more successful!