Collaboration with the VDMA - German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association

COSMO CONSULT ist Mitglied im VDMA, dem größten Industrieverband in Europa.

Mechanical engineering is the biggest industrial employer in Germany, with over 1,000,000 employees. In order to influence developments in the discrete manufacturing market, COSMO CONSULT has long been a member of the largest representation of mechanical engineering interests in Germany, the VDMA. This means we can promote the industry's key themes and provide support in terms of IT. Networking has become a must in a fast-paced age where market requirements are continually growing and changing.

The VDMA represents over 3,100 primarily medium-sized companies in the capital goods industry and is therefore the largest industry association in Europe.

ERP and “Industrie 4.0”

Movement towards networked production is picking up speed. Industrie 4.0 is on everybody's lips. Everyone has an opinion on it, many try to narrow the topic down, and even ERP providers have not just an opinion on it, but also a position. Together with the VDMA and Bitkom, ERP providers in Germany will promote the integration of ERP software and Industrie 4.0 scenarios, and implement many “use cases”, large and small.

Does this sound interesting?

By working with you, we know that we can find the ideal concept to meet your specific requirements. For more detailed information, take a closer look at our industry solution for discrete manufacturing. You may also be interested in one of our numerous cross-industry add-on solutions such as CAD integration, factory data capture, business intelligence or mobile warehouse management.

Get in touch with us to discuss how COSMO CONSULT can help you to get more output of your business.