Maider | Senior Developer | Spain

First name: Maider

Age: 35

Job title: Senior Developer

Office: Barcelona, Spain

In which year did you start with COSMO CONSULT? 2014

Did you work in different roles? If so, please describe your career within COSMO CONSULT? 
Since I’m working in COSMO CONSULT I have worked as a Senior Developer, especially on international projects.

What do you like most about your work at COSMO CONSULT?
What I like most about my work at COSMO CONSULT is to collaborate on international projects because it gives me the chance to work with people from different countries and to learn about how they work.

Mainly the fact that I have to analyze customer needs and find the best solution for their requirements. Usually each customer needs a different functionality due to their type of company so each customer is a new challenge for me.

Please describe your job:
I’m a senior developer and my tasks depend on the type of project on which I’m involved but I usually have to analyze what the customer need, develop this new functionality and test it to verify that it works. I have also been involved in global support projects where my tasks were help customers to use NAV, solve their problems and fix found errors.

What are your hobbies/interests? 
I like doing sports, such as running, basketball and trekking. I also like animals and I collaborate with an animal rescue association.