Philipp | Project Manager & Team Manager| Germany

Name: Philipp

Age: 38

Job title: Project Manager and Team Manager

Office: Berlin, Germany

In which year did you start with COSMO CONSULT? 2012

Did you work in different roles? If so, please describe your career within COSMO CONSULT? 
In 2012 I started as a senior software engineer. Now I am a Team Manager and I am responsible for 5 employees. As a Project Manager I am responsible for the successful realization of the projects. 

What do you like most about your work at COSMO CONSULT? 
I like the diversity and the continuous change of my tasks. I also like the open communication and that every employee is involved in creating a nice work environment. 

Please describe your job:
I am working at the interface between our clients and our COSMO CONSULT Project Team. I try to deploy the project team according to their competencies to meet the requirements of our clients in the best way.  

Because of the limited duration of the projects, I very often get to know new companies and their businesses. In our projects we strive for a close cooperation and therefore we try to work as often as possible at the clients’ office. With this practice, we are highly involved in the company and we have the opportunity to meet new people and to work on the processes to optimize them. To me, it is very interesting to see how an idea develops to a client-specific solution, so that our client is able to optimize the business transactions. 

What are your hobbies/interests?
Sailing and snowboarding