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BI Cross Industry Solutions


Digitalization is not a temporary IT issue but an ongoing process that will transform many business sectors – a process with both predictable and unforeseeable consequences. The digital transformation is different. It’s further-reaching than any other technical trends to date. And it requires new answers and concepts. So how do we, as a technology and consulting company, prepare ourselves to guide our customers through what will likely be the most important change in the history of their business?

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Data & Analytics, ERP

Production controlling reduces costs and increases quality

by Michael Hering

Planning plays a major role in manufacturing. Manufacturing and assembly are often divided into individual steps that have to be linked together in a multi-stage planning process. But good planning is not the same as fighting half the battle. After all, discrepancies can occur during production that influence the due dates, quality, or costs of the end product.

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Data & Analytics, CRM

Digitisation in marketing and sales

by Alfred Grünert

While digitisation and networking for the application in production and logistics have already found their way into the minds of decision-makers, marketing and sales still skilfully manage to avoid digitisation and hence (yet again) measurability.

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